Just a few comments. I heard from a few of you regarding Blog 6- About those obsessions.
It was interesting to hear from my sister in law Deborah that my wife does the things she loves way before chores because she believes its an ability and that her maternal grandmother was the same. I've been pondering this idea and still wondering is it a learned behavior? Wouldn't an ability be learned? Working in autism for years this is something I'm quite familiar with teaching abilities (skills) to increase their success in their everyday life. I spend several hours a week analyzing behavioral data. Maybe just maybe ill start collecting data on this. Now how would I define it? Engaging in pleasurable activities vs doing chores? Oh my I think the outcome would look like this... 99.9% of the time doing pleasurable activities. In all seriousness we could all learn this ability-skill.
Wedding season is now in full bloom. More and more couples are choosing an officiant to marry them. Why you ask? We will help the couple create their perfect ceremony wherever the couple chooses to get married. One of my questions to the couple is always do you have a back up plan? Nothing worse then a thanksgiving wedding outside on an island and its cold windy and the couple is 30 minutes late since they decided they would at the last minute go up the ski hill and take pictures. Its their day I say, they are the masters in their own universe for that day. I come home from my meetings with couple's and I always say.."they are such a wonderful couple". They are, excited in love ready to take on this married life. I'm part of their best moment, the time in their marriage when they are fully committed. One of the couples I married had a beautiful love story. They had dated in school went their separate ways for whatever reason. She became a widow and he was divorced they reunited and I could feel the immense love they had for each other. During the ceremony I held back the tears as I watched them commit to each other a "love" like no other. I felt honored that they had chosen me to stand in front of them, to unite them in marriage.
I stumbled upon this opportunity to become an officiant. I was actually at a school bus interview. He asked me if I wanted to do coffee sometime. I thought wow he's a bit forward. He saw the look on my face and said " You are upbeat you have a great personality". He went on to say he was an officiant and felt that I would do really well. The rest is history Im in my 4th year of doing weddings. I don't ever think of it as work, its that thing I do that brings me such pleasure. It renews my faith in love and marriage.
Ill leave you with this....
Pure Love has no conditions or boundaries.
Love does not restrain itself or hold back.
Love gives all the time and doesn't ask for anything in return.
Love is continuous flow without limits.
And all of this is inside of you.

Beautifully written as always! I have come to realize in my love journey that it has no conditions but the ones we impose on it! Love openly and freely and never stop communicating! I think that's truly the key in being successful in relationships! Also, never stop having fun and exploring the world! Love you xo