I’ve often wondered how resilient we are as people, how we get back up and keep going. You know “fighting the good fight”. Yesterday I woke up feeling off. I couldn’t really put my finger on it you know? Its not the first time I feel this way so I recognized the feeling, not always sure what the reason is. It could be a dozen things, miss my kids, tired, miss the sun, it’s raining etc... I also have become annoyed which is not something I’m familiar with tons of patience with a whole lot of different things. I use to try and push these uncomfortable moments hoping they would just pass. Lately, I’ve realized this is not at all what I should be doing. Ive learned the best thing for me is to walk right into it. Feel it deeply ( this is usually when I cry). Before I would go for a walk, take a bath read a book crawl into bed. Grounding myself. Changing my environment. This does work. In the last year not so much. I just need to feel it let it work through me. So what if I spend hours crying, isn’t that one of the reasons we have tears? I tell my wife I’m cleansing. She isn’t a big fan of seeing me cry. We are no longer part of the same world what we have been doing before, just doesn’t seem to cut it anymore. Why are we so uncomfortable talking about our emotions our struggles. If maybe just maybe we were able to be honest with ourselves. We would be able to connect, reach out to someone who is struggling who needs to know it’s no biggie just let it all out. We are all in this together even though we may not be able to be in the same room. Let’s stop pretending, let’s stop keeping it in. Lets find new ways to get us back up. Whatever works for you! I spent way too many years bottling it up. All that gives you is anxiety, insecurities, which Is then masked by a whole bunch of other stuff.
Ill leave you with a song I use to sing all the time when I just couldn’t deal with what life was throwing at me. “Let me be there”- Olivia Newton John. Enjoy, play it loud and sing it at the top of your lungs. Now, talk about a cleansing. Phew.... that felt good. Let me know what brings you back from dark places?? Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi❤️...is there suppose to have a link for the song...or i have to look it up. Just wondering if missing something. Also..as I read about the "crying" i just wrote in my "favorite quotes journal" last night .."....Quand une personne pleure sans motif,c'est parce qu'elle évacue toutes les fois où elle voulait pleurer mais qu'elle a souri"....so yes let's cry when our souls needs it...to bounce back stronger in the following moments. ❤️
Oh me oh my! This is all too familiar! I agree with you all the way! Walking into it, letting yourself feel and then moving through it! I have to get better at this myself! I absolutely feel so uncomfortable when I cry or feel any negative emotions. It's not easy to feel all the time! Sometimes I want to just turn it off. Doesn't work that way thanks! Lol! Thank you for the continued inspiration! Keep up the blogs and messages! You're going to touch a love of people with this new journey of yours! Love you. Bryanna